Version - 2024.07.25. Aktuális verzió
    • Shipping dev 09
Version - 2024.07.24.
    • Shipping dev 08
    • Shipping dev 07
    • Shipping dev 06
    • Shipping dev 05
Version - 2024.07.23.
    • Shipping dev 04
    • Shipping dev 03
    • Shipping dev 02
    • Shipping dev 01
Version - 2024.07.21.
    • Integration webhook type changes 01
Version - 2024.07.20.
    • Collect changes 01
Version - 2024.07.19.
    • PDA rights 03
    • PDA rights 02
    • PDA rights 01
Version - 2024.07.17.
    • Customer status fix 07
    • Customer status fix 06
    • Compensate fix 02
    • Compensate fix 01
Version - 2024.07.16.
    • Customer status fix 05
    • Customer status fix 04
    • Customer status fix 03
    • Collect status packaging 02
    • Collect status packaging 01
    • Customer status fix 02
    • Customer status fix 01
Version - 2024.07.15.
    • Performance fix 29
    • Performance fix 28
    • Performance fix 27
    • Performance fix 26
    • Performance fix 25
    • Performance fix 24
    • Performance fix 23
    • Performance fix 22
    • Performance fix 21
    • Performance fix 20
    • Performance fix 19
    • Performance fix 18
    • Performance fix 17
    • Performance fix 16
    • Performance fix 15
    • Performance fix 14
    • Performance fix 13
    • Performance fix 12
    • Performance fix 11
    • Performance fix 10
    • Performance fix 09
    • Performance fix 08
    • Performance fix 07
    • Performance fix 06
    • Performance fix 05
    • Performance fix 04
    • Performance fix 03
    • Performance fix 02
    • Performance fix 01
Version - 2024.07.13.
    • Ravak feed 2
    • Ravak feed
    • Store ledger number 01
Version - 2024.07.12.
    • E-mail download fix 02
    • E-mail download fix 01
Version - 2024.07.09.
    • Partner update 04
    • Partner update 03
    • Partner update 02
    • Partner update 01
    • Compensate fix 06
    • Compensate fix 05
Version - 2024.07.05.
    • Compensate fix 04
    • Compensate fix 03
    • Compensate fix 02
    • Compensate fix 01
Version - 2024.07.03.
    • Invoice proform compensate 02
    • Invoice proform compensate 01
    • Receipt rule fix 04
    • Receipt rule fix 03
Version - 2024.06.28.
    • Feed fix 03
    • Feed fix 02
    • Feed fix 01
Version - 2024.06.26.
    • Integration fix 01
    • Receipt rule fix 02
    • Receipt rule fix 01
Version - 2024.06.24.
    • Collect packaging 01
    • Item view add
    • Item view drop
    • Ledger statement add
    • Ledger statement drop
Version - 2024.06.23.
    • POS label template
Version - 2024.06.22.
    • POS label type
Version - 2024.06.20.
    • Invoice delete add
    • Invoice delete drop
Version - 2024.06.10.
    • Price drop for partner
Version - 2024.06.05.
    • Product acquisition view
    • Product sales view
    • Payment demand 01
    • Cash register history 28
    • Cash register history 27
    • Cash register history 26
    • Cash register history 25
Version - 2024.06.04.
    • Cash register history 24
    • Cash register history 23
    • Cash register history 22
    • Cash register history 21
    • Cash register history 20
    • Cash register history 19
    • Cash register history 18
Version - 2024.06.01.
    • Cash register history 17
    • Cash register history 16
    • Cash register history 15
    • Cash register history 14
    • Cash register history 13
    • Cash register history 12
    • Cash register history 11
    • Cash register history 10
    • Cash register history 09
    • Cash register history 08
    • Cash register history 07
    • Cash register history 06
    • Cash register history 05
    • Cash register history 04
Version - 2024.06.02.
    • Cash register history 03
Version - 2024.06.01.
    • Cash register history 02
    • Cash register history 01
Version - 2024.05.29.
    • Invoice type fix 02
    • Invoice type fix 01
Version - 2024.05.28.
    • Compensate dev 06
    • Compensate dev 05
    • Compensate dev 04
    • Compensate dev 03
Version - 2024.05.27.
    • Compensate dev 02
    • Compensate dev 01
Version - 2024.05.24.
    • Completion certificate 29
    • Completion certificate 28
Version - 2024.05.23.
    • Completion certificate 27
    • Completion certificate 26
Version - 2024.05.22.
    • Completion certificate 25
    • Completion certificate 24
    • Completion certificate 23
    • Completion certificate 22
    • Completion certificate 21
    • Completion certificate 20
    • Completion certificate 19
    • Completion certificate 18
    • Completion certificate 17
    • Completion certificate 16
    • Completion certificate 15
    • Completion certificate 14
    • Completion certificate 13
    • Completion certificate 12
    • Completion certificate 11
    • Completion certificate 10
    • Completion certificate 09
    • Completion certificate 08
    • Completion certificate 07
    • Completion certificate 06
    • Completion certificate 05
    • Completion certificate 04
    • Completion certificate 03
    • Completion certificate 02
    • Completion certificate 01
Version - 2024.05.21.
    • Product category dev 01
    • Transport fix 08
    • Transport fix 07
    • Transport fix 06
    • Transport fix 05
    • Transport fix 04
    • Transport fix 03
    • Transport fix 02
    • Transport fix 01
Version - 2024.05.20.
    • Invoice dev 09
    • Invoice dev 08
    • Invoice dev 07
    • Invoice dev 06
    • Invoice dev 05
    • Invoice dev 04
    • Invoice dev 03
    • Invoice dev 02
    • Invoice dev 01
    • Partner address fix 08
    • Partner address fix 07
    • Partner address fix 06
    • Partner address fix 05
    • Partner address fix 04
    • Partner address fix 03
    • Partner address fix 02
    • Partner address fix 01
Version - 2024.05.16.
    • Compensate view fix 02
    • Compensate view fix 01
    • Invoice close warranty fix 02
    • Invoice close warranty fix 01
Version - 2024.05.15.
    • Currency round fix 08
    • Currency round fix 07
    • Currency round fix 06
    • Currency round fix 05
    • Currency round fix 04
    • Currency round fix 03
    • Currency round fix 02
    • Currency round fix 01
    • Currency round row
    • Currency round unit
Version - 2024.05.13.
    • Shipping fix 01
    • Round changes 05
Version - 2024.05.12.
    • Round changes 04
    • Round changes 03
    • Round changes 02
    • Round changes 01
Version - 2024.05.11.
    • Cron job dev 04
Version - 2024.05.10.
    • Cron job dev 03
    • Cron job dev 02
    • Cron job dev 01
Version - 2024.05.09.
    • Invoice settings 14
Version - 2024.05.06.
    • Invoice settings 13
Version - 2024.05.05.
    • Invoice settings 12
    • Invoice settings 11
    • Invoice settings 10
Version - 2024.05.03.
    • Invoice settings 09
    • Invoice settings 08
    • Invoice settings 07
Version - 2024.05.02.
    • Invoice settings 06
    • Invoice settings 05
    • Invoice settings 04
    • Invoice settings 03
    • Invoice settings 02
    • Invoice settings 01
Version - 2024.04.27.
    • Receipt rule dev 18
    • Receipt rule dev 17
Version - 2024.04.26.
    • Receipt rule dev 16
    • Receipt rule dev 15
    • Receipt rule dev 14
    • Receipt rule dev 13
    • Receipt rule dev 12
    • Receipt rule dev 11
Version - 2024.04.25.
    • Receipt rule dev 10
    • Receipt rule dev 09
    • Receipt rule dev 08
    • Receipt rule dev 07
    • Receipt rule dev 06
    • Receipt rule dev 05
    • Receipt rule dev 04
Version - 2024.04.24.
    • Receipt rule dev 03
    • Receipt rule dev 02
    • Receipt rule dev 01
    • Ledger statement
Version - 2024.04.22.
    • Company user change 04
    • Company user change 03
    • Company user change 02
    • Company user change 01
    • Cash receipt dev 62
    • Cash receipt dev 61
    • Cash receipt dev 60
    • Cash receipt dev 59
    • Cash receipt dev 58
    • Cash receipt dev 57
Version - 2024.04.21.
    • Cash receipt dev 56
    • Cash receipt dev 55
    • Cash receipt dev 54
    • Cash receipt dev 53
    • Cash receipt dev 52
    • Cash receipt dev 51
Version - 2024.04.19.
    • Cash receipt dev 50
    • Cash receipt dev 49
    • Cash receipt dev 48
    • Cash receipt dev 47
    • Cash receipt dev 46
    • Cash receipt dev 45
    • Cash receipt dev 44
    • Cash receipt dev 43
    • Cash receipt dev 42
    • Cash receipt dev 41
    • Cash receipt dev 40
    • Cash receipt dev 39
    • Cash receipt dev 38
    • Cash receipt dev 37
Version - 2024.05.05.
    • Cash receipt dev 36
Version - 2024.04.18.
    • Cash receipt dev 35
    • Cash receipt dev 34
    • Cash receipt dev 33
    • Cash receipt dev 32
    • Cash receipt dev 31
    • Cash receipt dev 30
    • Cash receipt dev 29
    • Cash receipt dev 28
    • Cash receipt dev 27
    • Cash receipt dev 26
    • Cash receipt dev 25
    • Cash receipt dev 24
    • Cash receipt dev 23
    • Cash receipt dev 22
    • Cash receipt dev 21
    • Cash receipt dev 20
Version - 2024.04.17.
    • Cash receipt dev 19
    • Cash receipt dev 18
    • Cash receipt dev 17
    • Cash receipt dev 16
    • Cash receipt dev 15
    • Cash receipt dev 14
    • Cash receipt dev 13
    • Cash receipt dev 12
    • Cash receipt dev 11
    • Cash receipt dev 10
    • Cash receipt dev 09
    • Cash receipt dev 08
    • Cash receipt dev 07
    • Cash receipt dev 06
    • Cash receipt dev 05
    • Cash receipt dev 04
    • Cash receipt dev 03
    • Cash receipt dev 02
    • Cash receipt dev 01
Version - 2024.04.16.
    • Order fix 04
    • Order fix 03
    • Order fix 02
    • Order fix 01
    • Order delete fix 06
    • Order delete fix 05
    • Order delete fix 04
    • Order delete fix 03
    • Delivery note order finishing 02
    • Delivery note order finishing 01
Version - 2024.04.15.
    • Order delete fix 02
    • Order delete fix 01
Version - 2024.04.11.
    • Integration fix 01
Version - 2024.04.10.
    • Invoice prepayment fix 04
    • Invoice prepayment fix 03
Version - 2024.04.09.
    • Invoice prepayment fix 02
    • Invoice prepayment fix 01
    • Automatism fix 04
    • Automatism fix 03
    • Automatism fix 02
    • Automatism fix 01
Version - 2024.04.05.
    • myPOS 02
Version - 2024.04.04.
    • myPOS 01
    • NTAK Ticket 20
    • NTAK Ticket 19
    • NTAK Ticket 18
    • NTAK Ticket 17
    • NTAK Ticket 16
    • NTAK Ticket 15
    • NTAK Ticket 14
    • NTAK Ticket 13
    • NTAK Ticket 12
    • NTAK Ticket 11
    • NTAK Ticket 10
    • NTAK Ticket 09
    • NTAK Ticket 08
    • NTAK Ticket 07
    • NTAK Ticket 06
    • NTAK Ticket 05
    • NTAK Ticket 04
    • NTAK Ticket 03
    • NTAK Ticket 02
    • NTAK Ticket 01
Version - 2024.04.01.
    • Central bank rate 07
    • Central bank rate 06
Version - 2024.03.31.
    • Central bank rate 05
    • Central bank rate 04
    • Central bank rate 03
    • Central bank rate 02
Version - 2024.03.30.
    • Central bank rate 01
Version - 2024.03.29.
    • Receipt rule dev 02
    • Receipt rule dev 01
    • Order dev 02
    • Order dev 01
Version - 2024.03.28.
    • Receipt rule create 11
    • Receipt rule create 10
Version - 2024.03.27.
    • Receipt rule create 09
    • Receipt rule create 08
    • Receipt rule create 07
    • Receipt rule create 06
    • Receipt rule create 05
    • Receipt rule create 04
    • Receipt rule create 03
    • Receipt rule create 02
    • Receipt rule create 01
Version - 2024.03.25.
    • Shipping fix 22
    • Shipping fix 21
    • Shipping fix 20
    • Shipping fix 19
    • Shipping fix 18
    • Shipping fix 17
    • Shipping fix 16
    • Shipping fix 15
    • Shipping fix 14
    • Shipping fix 13
    • Shipping fix 12
    • Shipping fix 11
    • Shipping fix 10
    • Shipping fix 09
    • Shipping fix 08
    • Shipping fix 07
    • Shipping fix 06
    • Shipping fix 05
    • Shipping fix 04
    • Shipping fix 03
    • Shipping fix 02
Version - 2024.03.21.
    • Shipping fix 01
Version - 2024.03.20.
    • Partner dev 04
    • Partner dev 03
    • Partner dev 02
    • Partner dev 01
Version - 2024.03.19.
    • Performance keys 34
    • Performance keys 33
    • Performance keys 32
    • Performance keys 31
    • Performance keys 30
    • Performance keys 29
    • Performance keys 28
    • Performance keys 27
    • Performance keys 26
    • Performance keys 25
    • Performance keys 24
    • Performance keys 23
    • Performance keys 22
    • Performance keys 21
    • Performance keys 20
    • Performance keys 19
    • Performance keys 18
    • Performance keys 17
    • Performance keys 16
    • Performance keys 15
    • Performance keys 14
    • Performance keys 13
    • Performance keys 12
    • Performance keys 11
    • Performance keys 10
    • Performance keys 09
    • Performance keys 08
    • Performance keys 07
    • Performance keys 06
    • Performance keys 05
    • Performance keys 04
    • Performance keys 03
    • Performance keys 02
    • Performance keys 01
Version - 2024.03.18.
    • Printer fix 03
    • Printer fix 02
    • Printer fix 01
Version - 2024.03.16.
    • Integration dev 17
    • Integration dev 16
Version - 2024.03.14.
    • Integration dev 15
    • Integration dev 14
    • Integration dev 13
    • Integration dev 12
Version - 2024.03.13.
    • Integration dev 11
    • Integration dev 10
    • Integration dev 09
Version - 2024.03.12.
    • Integration dev 08
    • Integration dev 07
    • Integration dev 06
    • Integration dev 05
    • Integration dev 04
    • Integration dev 03
Version - 2024.03.11.
    • Integration dev 02
    • Integration dev 01
Version - 2024.03.10.
    • Performance fix 92
    • Performance fix 91
Version - 2024.03.09.
    • Performance fix 90
    • Performance fix 89
    • Performance fix 88
    • Performance fix 87
Version - 2024.03.07.
    • Performance fix 86
    • Performance fix 85
Version - 2024.03.06.
    • Performance fix 84
    • Performance fix 83
    • Performance fix 82
    • Performance fix 81
    • Performance fix 80
    • Performance fix 79
    • Performance fix 78
    • Performance fix 77
    • Performance fix 76
    • Performance fix 75
    • Performance fix 74
    • Performance fix 73
    • Performance fix 72
    • Performance fix 71
    • Performance fix 70
    • Performance fix 69
    • Performance fix 68
    • Performance fix 67
Version - 2024.03.05.
    • Performance fix 66
    • Performance fix 65
    • Performance fix 64
    • Performance fix 63
Version - 2024.03.04.
    • Performance fix 62
    • Performance fix 61
    • Performance fix 60
    • Performance fix 59
    • Performance fix 58
    • Performance fix 57
    • Performance fix 56
    • Performance fix 55
    • Performance fix 54
    • Performance fix 53
    • Performance fix 52
    • Performance fix 51
    • Performance fix 50
    • Performance fix 49
Version - 2024.03.03.
    • Performance fix 48
    • Performance fix 47
    • Performance fix 46
    • Performance fix 45
    • Performance fix 44
    • Performance fix 43
    • Performance fix 42
    • Performance fix 41
    • Performance fix 40
    • Performance fix 39
    • Performance fix 38
    • Performance fix 37
    • Performance fix 36
    • Performance fix 35
    • Performance fix 34
    • Performance fix 33
    • Performance fix 32
    • Performance fix 31
    • Performance fix 30
    • Performance fix 29
    • Performance fix 28
    • Performance fix 27
    • Performance fix 26
    • Performance fix 25
    • Performance fix 24
    • Performance fix 23
    • Performance fix 22
    • Performance fix 21
    • Performance fix 20
    • Performance fix 19
    • Performance fix 18
    • Performance fix 17
    • Performance fix 16
    • Performance fix 15
    • Performance fix 14
Version - 2024.03.02.
    • Performance fix 13
    • Performance fix 12
    • Performance fix 11
    • Performance fix 10
    • Performance fix 09
    • Performance fix 08
    • Performance fix 07
    • Performance fix 06
    • Performance fix 05
    • Performance fix 04
    • Performance fix 03
    • Performance fix 02
    • Performance fix 01
Version - 2024.02.28.
    • Webhook fix 15
    • Webhook fix 14
    • Webhook fix 13
    • Webhook fix 12
    • Webhook fix 11
    • Webhook fix 10
    • Webhook fix 09
Version - 2024.02.27.
    • Webhook fix 08
    • Webhook fix 07
    • Webhook fix 06
    • Webhook fix 05
    • Webhook fix 04
    • Webhook fix 03
    • Webhook fix 02
    • Webhook fix 01
    • Collect status 02
    • Collect status 01
Version - 2024.02.26.
    • Cash receipt drop
    • Customer status 09
    • Acounto extension
    • Customer status 08
    • Customer status 07
    • Customer status 06
    • Customer status 05
    • Customer status 04
    • Customer status 03
    • Customer status 02
    • Customer status 01
    • Webhook dev 17
    • Webhook dev 16
    • Webhook dev 15
Version - 2024.02.21.
    • Webhook dev 14
    • Webhook dev 13
    • Webhook dev 12
    • Webhook dev 11
    • Webhook dev 10
    • Webhook dev 09
    • Webhook dev 08
    • Webhook dev 07
    • Webhook dev 06
    • Webhook dev 05
    • Webhook dev 04
    • Webhook dev 03
    • Webhook dev 02
    • Webhook dev 01
Version - 2024.02.20.
    • Product part 01
Version - 2024.02.19.
    • Price drop 12
    • Price drop 11
    • Price drop 10
    • Price drop 09
    • Price drop 08
    • Price drop 07
    • Price drop 06
    • Price drop 05
    • Price drop 04
    • Price drop 03
    • Price drop 02
    • Price drop 01
Version - 2024.02.18.
    • Invoice check on close 02
    • Invoice check on close 01
    • Product performance issue 08
    • Product performance issue 07
    • Product performance issue 06
    • Product performance issue 05
Version - 2024.02.16.
    • Product performance issue 04
    • Product performance issue 03
    • Stock history 17
    • Stock history 16
    • Stock history 15
    • Stock history 14
    • Stock history 13
    • Product performance issue 02
    • Product performance issue 01
Version - 2024.02.14.
    • Stock history 12
    • Stock history 11
    • Stock history 10
    • Stock history 09
    • Stock history 08
    • Stock history 07
    • Stock history 06
    • Stock history 05
    • Stock history 04
    • Stock history 03
    • Stock history 02
    • Stock history 01
Version - 2024.02.13.
    • Tax decmail changes 11
    • Tax decmail changes 10
    • Tax decmail changes 09
    • Tax decmail changes 08
Version - 2024.02.12.
    • Partner user fix 02
    • Partner user fix 01
    • Price list fix 04
    • Price list fix 03
    • Price list fix 02
    • Price list fix 01
Version - 2024.02.11.
    • Product parts
Version - 2024.02.10.
    • CRON changes 01
Version - 2024.02.09.
    • Tax decmail changes 07
    • Tax decmail changes 06
    • Tax decmail changes 05
    • Tax decmail changes 04
    • Tax decmail changes 03
    • Tax decmail changes 02
    • Tax decmail changes 01
Version - 2024.02.07.
    • Print transmission 04
    • Print transmission 03
    • Print transmission 02
    • Print transmission 01
    • Accountant dev 02
    • Accountant dev 01
Version - 2024.02.06.
    • Crm partner dev 12
    • Crm partner dev 11
    • Crm partner dev 10
    • Crm partner dev 09
    • Crm partner dev 08
    • Crm partner dev 07
    • Crm partner dev 06
    • Crm partner dev 05
    • Crm partner dev 04
    • Crm partner dev 03
    • Crm partner dev 02
    • Crm partner dev 01
    • Tax summary fix 02
    • Tax summary fix 01
Version - 2024.02.05.
    • Delivery note delete add
    • Delivery note delete remove
    • Delivery note delete direct
    • Invoice delete add
    • Invoice delete remove
    • Invoice delete direct
    • Delivery note close add
    • Delivery note close remove
    • Delivery note close direct
    • Invoice close add
    • Invoice close remove
    • Invoice close direct
Version - 2024.02.02.
    • Dataservice offline
Version - 2024.01.30.
    • Decimal round 71
    • Decimal round 70
    • Decimal round 69
    • Decimal round 68
    • Decimal round 67
    • Decimal round 66
    • Decimal round 65
    • Decimal round 64
    • Decimal round 63
    • Decimal round 62
    • Decimal round 61
    • Decimal round 60
    • Decimal round 59
    • Decimal round 58
    • Decimal round 57
    • Decimal round 56
    • Decimal round 55
    • Decimal round 54
    • Decimal round 53
    • Decimal round 52
    • Decimal round 51
    • Decimal round 50
    • Decimal round 49
Version - 2024.01.29.
    • Collect item view add
    • Collect item view drop
    • Store locality
    • Decimal round 48
    • Decimal round 47
    • Decimal round 46
    • Decimal round 45
Version - 2024.01.28.
    • Inventory fix 04
    • Inventory fix 03
    • Inventory fix 02
    • Inventory fix 01
    • Product weight 02
    • Product weight 01
Version - 2024.01.25.
    • Tax office name fix 02
    • Tax office name fix 01
    • Decimal round 44
    • Decimal round 43
    • Decimal round 42
    • Decimal round 41
    • Decimal round 40
    • Decimal round 39
    • Decimal round 38
    • Decimal round 37
    • Decimal round 36
    • Decimal round 35
    • Decimal round 34
    • Decimal round 33
    • Decimal round 32
    • Decimal round 31
    • Decimal round 30
    • Decimal round 29
    • Decimal round 28
    • Decimal round 27
    • Decimal round 26
    • Decimal round 25
    • Decimal round 24
    • Decimal round 23
    • Decimal round 22
    • Decimal round 21
    • Decimal round 20
    • Decimal round 19
    • Decimal round 18
    • Decimal round 17
    • Decimal round 16
    • Decimal round 15
    • Decimal round 14
    • Decimal round 13
    • Decimal round 12
    • Decimal round 11
    • Decimal round 10
    • Decimal round 09
    • Decimal round 08
    • Decimal round 07
    • Decimal round 06
    • Decimal round 05
    • Decimal round 04
    • Decimal round 03
    • Decimal round 02
    • Decimal round 01
    • Company address refresh
Version - 2024.03.14.
    • Company address trigger before update
    • Company address trigger
Version - 2024.01.25.
    • Company address data changes
    • Partner address refresh
    • Partner address trigger before update
    • Partner address trigger
    • Partner address data changes
Version - 2024.01.22.
    • Product barcode partner
    • E-mail address reply
Version - 2024.01.21.
    • Integration with departmentnumber
    • Collect add view
    • Collect remove view
    • Collect add delivery note and invoice fields
Version - 2024.01.17.
    • Delivery note delete add
    • Delivery note delete remove
Version - 2024.01.07.
    • Default store locality
    • Default store
Version - 2023.12.26.
    • NAV log fix
    • NAV Offline fix
    • NAV Online fix
Version - 2023.12.19.
    • Partner view add
    • Partner view drop
    • Partner default tax
Version - 2023.12.13.
    • Price list view add
    • Price list view drop
Version - 2023.12.10.
    • Price list update
Version - 2023.12.09.
    • Product category fee 04
    • Product category fee 03
    • Product category fee 02
    • Product category fee 01
Version - 2023.12.06.
    • Prestashop cron job 03
    • Prestashop cron job 02
    • Prestashop cron job 01
    • Prestashop integration
Version - 2023.12.05.
    • Webhook 16
Version - 2023.12.04.
    • Webhook 15
    • Pannon XP extension
Version - 2023.12.02.
    • UNAS product upload
Version - 2023.12.01.
    • UNAS deprecated 02
    • UNAS deprecated
    • Product weight change 02
    • Product weight change 01
Version - 2023.11.27.
    • Webhook 14
    • Webhook 13
    • Webhook 12
    • Webhook 11
    • Webhook 10
    • Webhook 09
    • Webhook 08
    • Webhook 07
    • Outgoing insert note
    • Webhook 06
    • Webhook 05
    • Webhook 04
    • Webhook 03
    • Webhook 02
    • Webhook 01
Version - 2023.11.24.
    • Synchronizable product 02
    • Synchronizable product 01
Version - 2023.11.23.
    • Price discount fix 02
    • Price discount fix 01
    • Price discount
Version - 2023.11.20.
    • Integration fix
    • Shipping fix 07
    • Shipping fix 06
    • Shipping fix 05
    • Shipping fix 04
    • Shipping fix 03
    • Shipping fix 02
    • Shipping fix 01
Version - 2023.11.19.
    • Receipt file changes 2
    • Receipt file changes
    • Receipt note changes
Version - 2023.11.18.
    • Task insert note
    • Receipt note changes
    • Booking insert note
Version - 2023.11.16.
    • Receipt note
    • Worksheet view add
    • Worksheet view drop
Version - 2023.11.13.
    • Outgoing close add
    • Outgoing close drop
Version - 2023.11.10.
    • Invoice view add
    • Invoice view drop
    • Email template changes
    • Offer view add
    • Offer view drop
    • Offer is orderable by customer
Version - 2023.11.08.
    • New trigger for receipt cross
    • Modify receipt cross identify size
Version - 2023.11.06.
    • Email readed
Version - 2023.11.05.
    • Item view add
    • Item view drop
    • Invoice close add
    • Invoice close drop
Version - 2023.10.31.
    • Email address BCC
Version - 2023.10.24.
    • Order view add
    • Order view drop
Version - 2023.10.23.
    • Integration picture download
    • Cron job UNAS picture download
Version - 2023.10.20.
    • Currency fix
    • Invoice delete add
    • Invoice delete remove
    • Delivery note delete add
    • Delivery note delete remove
    • Invoice close add
    • Invoice close delete
    • Delivery note function add
    • Delivery note function delete
    • Order view add
    • Order view drop
    • Order indicators
Version - 2023.10.18.
    • Invoice close add
    • Invoice close drop
    • Paymod view add
    • Paymod view drop
    • Paymod compensate auto
Version - 2023.10.10.
    • Payment demand changes
Version - 2023.10.09.
    • Cash receipt close add
    • Cash receipt close drop
Version - 2023.10.06.
    • Shopify integration
Version - 2023.10.05.
    • Order view add
    • Order view drop
    • Order payment date
Version - 2023.10.04.
    • Partner view add
    • Partner view drop
    • Partner taxcode group
Version - 2023.09.30.
    • Integration direct partner 2
    • Integration direct partner
    • Offer send 12
    • Offer send 11
    • Offer send 10
Version - 2023.09.26.
    • Offer send 09
    • Offer send 08
    • Offer send 07
    • Offer send 06
    • Offer send 05
    • Offer send 04
    • Offer send 03
    • Offer send 02
    • Offer send 01
Version - 2023.09.25.
    • Integration price 02
    • Integration price
    • Translate fix
Version - 2023.09.21.
    • Order view add2
    • Order view drop2
Version - 2023.09.19.
    • Order view add
    • Order view drop
    • Price list fix 2
    • Price list fix 1
Version - 2023.09.18.
    • Order fix 1
Version - 2023.09.13.
    • Receipt rule fix 2
    • Receipt rule fix 1
Version - 2023.09.10.
    • Shipping fix 7
    • Shipping fix 6
    • Shipping fix 5
Version - 2023.09.08.
    • Shipping fix 4
    • Shipping fix 3
    • Shipping fix 2
    • Shipping fix
Version - 2023.09.07.
    • Order payments change
    • Order payments
Version - 2023.09.05.
    • Receipt rule fix 15
    • Receipt rule fix 14
    • Receipt rule fix 13
    • Receipt rule fix 12
    • Receipt rule fix 11
    • Integration stock quantity
Version - 2023.08.31.
    • Integration stock count
    • Receipt rule fix 10
    • Receipt rule fix 09
    • Receipt rule fix 08
    • Receipt rule fix 07
    • Receipt rule fix 06
    • Receipt rule fix 05
    • Receipt rule fix 04
    • Receipt rule fix 03
    • Receipt rule fix 02
    • Receipt rule fix 01
Version - 2023.08.27.
    • Shipping fix 16
    • Shipping fix 15
    • Shipping fix 14
    • Shipping fix 13
    • Shipping fix 12
    • Shipping fix 11
    • Shipping fix 10
    • Shipping fix 09
    • Shipping fix 08
    • Shipping fix 07
    • Shipping fix 06
    • Shipping fix 05
    • Order shipping fix
    • Shipping fix 04
    • Shipping fix 03
    • Shipping fix 02
    • Shipping fix 01
    • Template update 02
    • Template update 01
Version - 2023.08.24.
    • Rule changes 10
    • Rule changes 09
    • Rule changes 08
    • Rule changes 07
    • Rule changes 06
    • Rule changes 05
    • Rule changes 04
    • Rule changes 03
    • Rule changes 02
    • Rule changes 01
Version - 2023.08.22.
    • Receipt cron job - delete unas order
    • Receipt rule qty 04
    • Receipt rule qty 03
    • Receipt rule qty 02
    • Receipt rule qty 01
Version - 2023.08.17.
    • Reserve 21
    • Reserve 20
    • Reserve 19
    • Reserve 18
    • Reserve 17
    • Reserve 16
    • Reserve 15
    • Reserve 14
    • Reserve 13
    • Reserve 12
    • Reserve 11
    • Reserve 10
    • Reserve 09
    • Reserve 08
    • Reserve 07
    • Reserve 06
    • Reserve 05
    • Reserve 04
    • Reserve 03
    • Reserve 02
    • Reserve 01
Version - 2023.08.16.
    • Cash close
Version - 2023.08.15.
    • Licenses rights 03
    • Licenses rights 02